Do you need to be a scientist to make a science logo? What results are achieved by smartly using the crowdsourced design platform 48HoursLogo?!
Here are some great examples that show us the tremendous creative power of the 48HoursLogo design crowdsourcing system! The quality, provided by a large number of designers and outstanding creativity strength, is what makes people love our platform.
Check it out, learn and get inspiration before you launch your own logo design contest!
Space Robotics Society Contest
The Space Robotics Society (SpRoS) is an independent non-profit organization that promotes space robotics and other interdisciplinary fields of science and technology for the purpose of space exploration.
The client asked for a few things and gave clear instructions.
This organization needs a simple (uncomplicated) logo that signifies both the aspects, space and robotics or technology.
It is pointed out that the logo will be used on all the social media platforms and the printing material like T-shirts.
The client wrote also about the color scheme and he underlined that he doesn’t want abbreviated solutions such as SRS (Space Robotics Society).
The client explained in the design brief that a circular logo with the name on the right side or below would be preferred. Their target audience is space research students (university students), academia and space enthusiasts.
This organization has received 150 logo designs on the 48HoursLogo platform.
Winning Logo Design Solution

The red color, which was suggested by the client, has been replaced by a brown color, which emphasizes a little more relaxed energy.
This softened energy reflects stability and is good at the level of building a corporate image, which is important for every brand.
The name of the company is clearly highlighted and the logo has a good composition of elements. The modern style font is great. The logo communicates well.
Some of the other solutions…

Analytically Contest
Analytically is a Data Science company. They wanted a logo that will have a strong corporate image-building function. A trusted partner, as quoted in the design brief.
Analytically is word-played as Analytic Ally (Analytic Partner).
They asked for two color schemes. The primary – purple, and the secondary – red and blue.
Their contest resulted in 274 different logo design solutions created by 48HoursLogo designers from all over the world.
Winning Logo Design Solution

Stylistically outstanding logo. A note of fun in a very vivid and balanced way integrated into a trustworthy corporate logo.
Recognizability and positive energy are achieved. One of the rare (or not-so-common) examples of great use of multiple colors – in a harmonious way.
A very interesting non-aggressive approach in using the mascot concept.
Some of the other solutions…

Syskriti Contest
The title of the company “Syskriti” is made from 2 words: System + Kriti (Kriti is the Hindi word for “creation“.).
This company is multidisciplinary. Data Science AI/ML consulting to clients; Custom software and application development; Creating online free educational content and delivering paid training for aspirants trying to make a career in data science; building data-driven automation in the agriculture space.
In the design brief, it was pointed out that they are open to any creative approach, but that blue and red have priority over colors. They got 341 creative solutions on our platform!
Winning Logo Design Solution

Also, a great example of using multiple colors. The logo communicates the message of “strong trust” and carries positive call-to-action energy.
The logo exudes relaxing energy that is in line with, so to speak, the positive aggressive concept of the logo in terms of shape and layout.
A beautiful and attractive logo that instills confidence. No mistake in the steps!
Some of the other solutions…