What happens when I’m selected as contest finalist?
That means you are very likely to become the contest winner. Only contest finalists are allowed to continue submit design entries AFTER the open concept stage. Pay close attention to client comment & feedback and upload design revisions (or new ideas) accordingly.
As contest finalist, you will also receive finalist payment as well as be able to see all other designer entries in the contest.
What to do when I’m declared as the contest winner?
Congratulations! Please see this article on how to deliver winning logo package and handle any final design revisions.
What happens after I deliver my design package file?
After you upload your design package file, you should see a 48 hours countdown clock. If the client doesn’t confirm within 48 hours, you will see a button to claim the contest prize yourself.

We make it really fast for our designers to receive the design prize; just make sure you will still provide help in case the client returns with additional requests.
What should I do after the client purchases my design?
Make sure you have enabled this option from your setting page so clients can purchase your non-winning designs.
Same as if you have won a contest. Make sure you provide whatever design revisions requested by the client before uploading your design package file. And don’t forget to update your winning design with the final design.
What about brand identity contests with multiple items?
You don’t have to include everything in your design entry. Your goal in the initial concept stage is to convince the client to select you as the finalist and winner for the project. After being selected as the winner, you are required to design all items included in the design brief.
Note: Please submit each item separately for client confirmation before upload your design package file.
About design mockups & variations
During initial concept stage, please upload any design mockups or variations behind your main design entry (so you don’t flood the contest with similar designs). After you are selected as finalist, you are free to upload design variations/revisions as new design entries.
What about abandoned contests?
A contest is marked abandoned if it has ended for more than 1 month without a winner and the client hasn’t made a visit for more than a week. As the contest finalist you will see the following section where you can claim your abandoned contest prize.

Up to 50% of the contest prize can be claimed by the finalist. If the contest holder later comes back, he will still be able to select a contest winner and finish the project. The winner will receive the remaining 50% of the prize.
How is designer level determined and why I’m not on the top designer list?
Designer level you see next designer name is determined by the total # of wins. Your designer level also determines the finalis pay you will receive for each contest.

The top designer list ranking is based on recent 30 days. If you didn’t win a contest in the past 30 days, you won’t be on the list. However, you can still be found by searching your name.
Why can’t I see everyone else’s design entry?
All designs are hidden until a winner is selected. However, if you are selected as the finalist you will be able to see other designs.
Why can’t I withdraw my design?
You can withdraw your design during the open concept stage, or when the project is completed for more than a week. When hover your mouse you should see a delete icon on the lower right hand side of your design image. You are allowed to reuse your design if not selected as contest winner or purchased by a client.
How do I change my username?
Please contact admin from the designer forum and provide the new username you like to have and reason for the name change. It will cost your $10 for the name change because too many people are asking for the name change simply because it’s “unlucky” or breaking from their boy/girlfriends.
Why my personal portfolio page is missing a design?
That’s because it’s a private contest and we agree no to showcase the project information publicly. As the designer, you are also not allowed to show that design anywhere else.
Why the Hire button is grey on my portfolio page?
Meaning you don’t have any service offerings. Find out more about direct hire here>