NP for NPs: Nurtured Path for Nurse Practitioners

visited this project
3 years ago
My business is an online course for new nurse practitioner graduates to help them navigate the first few weeks and months as new providers in the field. For reference, nurse practitioners are advance practice nurses who prescribe medications. Many organizations are hiring nurse practitioners instead of physicians to fill a growing demand for providers. There is not an established support network or structured training for nurse practitioners upon graduation. My business is filling this need by providing an online course resource for new graduates.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    NP for NPs: Nurtured Path for Nurse Practitioners
    Company Intro:
    My business is an online course for new nurse practitioner graduates to help them navigate the first few weeks and months as new providers in the field. For reference, nurse practitioners are advance practice nurses who prescribe medications. Many organizations are hiring nurse practitioners instead of physicians to fill a growing demand for providers. There is not an established support network or structured training for nurse practitioners upon graduation. My business is filling this need by providing an online course resource for new graduates.
    I like simple designs with no more than 2 colors utilized. My style is a modern whimsical feel. I would like 'NP for NPs' to be the main text of the logo with 'Nurtured Path for Nurse Practitioners' as a smaller/less prominent subtitle.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client744674 years ago
    Hello! These are all great! I dont think I was as clear as I could have been. The business is called "NP for NPs". That needs to be included in the logo, not just "NP". I would like both "NP for NPs" and "Nurtured Path for Nurse Practitioners" to be included somehow in the logo. Thanks!!
  • C
    Client744674 years ago
    I am looking for a less "medical" feel to the logo and more inviting
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 72 submissions from 24 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #75 by bismillah
    #74 by bunda_shaquilla
    #71 by pencilhand
    #66 by Greenlight
    #65 by jaize
    #63 by checx
    #62 by Ultimatum
    #61 by kunejo
    #60 by Fforevera
    #59 by yippiyproject
    #58 by akilis13
    #55 by haidar
    #51 by ingepro
    #49 by christabel
    #44 by clayjensen
    #38 by b3no
    #36 by Franky.
    #33 by johana
    #31 by MAXR
    #29 by Girly
    #26 by xorn
    #23 by Devian
    #20 by aflah
    #4 by DDiancox
    ALL 72 Designs >
  • xorn is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • Design #26 by xorn is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #26 by xorn