Terroir Taste and Travel

visited this project
5 years ago
Terroir Taste and Travel is a podcast. I interview farmers, food artisans and chefs that source ingredients based on the local terroir and craft artisan food products/recipes. My motto is basically...if you want to eat the best food (whether at home, out, or abroad), you must source ingredients (produce, stone ground grains, sustainable fish, etc) from local farmers that practice regenerative/sustainable agriculture and connect with artisans (e.g., makers of cheese, honey, gourmet nuts, chefs, food bloggers) whose inspiration and passion result in food you want to make yourself or eat out. E.g., I interviewed a cheese maker who learned how to make cheese in Argentina, how to make Skyr yogurt in Iceland, and now makes cheese using milk from pasture raised cows and the taste of the cheese varies based on the season and weather; this year their farm had more red clover than white, so "Clover Creek Cheese" tasted different. Think...local on a global scale.
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Terroir Taste and Travel
    Company Intro:
    Terroir Taste and Travel is a podcast. I interview farmers, food artisans and chefs that source ingredients based on the local terroir and craft artisan food products/recipes. My motto is basically...if you want to eat the best food (whether at home, out, or abroad), you must source ingredients (produce, stone ground grains, sustainable fish, etc) from local farmers that practice regenerative/sustainable agriculture and connect with artisans (e.g., makers of cheese, honey, gourmet nuts, chefs, food bloggers) whose inspiration and passion result in food you want to make yourself or eat out. E.g., I interviewed a cheese maker who learned how to make cheese in Argentina, how to make Skyr yogurt in Iceland, and now makes cheese using milk from pasture raised cows and the taste of the cheese varies based on the season and weather; this year their farm had more red clover than white, so "Clover Creek Cheese" tasted different. Think...local on a global scale.
    I like some color, but not blinding. Of the images I selected for "sample logos I like", I like that the Hookah one says Hookah, but also has the Hookah picture. I like that the brewery one ha a picture of wheat. I like that the rustic one looks rustic, but gets the point across with the fork and spoon. I like that the wine logo is simple, but elegant and has a splash of color consistent with wine. I like that the against the grain logo has a picture of grain, includes a person, looks like the earth.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client616805 years ago
    Feedback: I do not like the black background (too dark); I like the black and white, but maybe add a touch of an earthy color like green. Terroir means: the conditions in which a food is grown or produced and that give the food its unique characteristics (e.g., cheese that varies in flavor from farm to farm based on what the cow/goat eats...white vs. red clover). I like the fork, knife when bottle. Can someone create an image that reflects the world (perhaps instead of the wheat circle), the soil, and regional food (like cheese), maybe a subtle farm background. This is not a restaurant, so no plates. Focus on food more that wine. Because this is a podcast, is there some way to reflect that technology / delivery mode such a a microphone, headphones. Maybe something about listening (e.g., earphones)
  • C
    Client616805 years ago
    Link to a sample logo: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjGiO61iNLfAhXQmOAKHXxtC2MQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https://le-periscope.info/le-journal/agro-alimentaire/17557lassociation-terroir-du-sundgau-fete-ses-30-ans/&psig=AOvVaw3nuh8T9TuP06mYdhD49n-J&ust=1546620457510178
  • C
    Client616805 years ago
    Link here is more of what I am looking for...I love the earth, the rustic T, the roots. Can someone do something like this but somehow add in techonology? https://www.google.com/search?q=terroir logo&rlz=1C1CAFB_enUS651US651&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1zcbPh9LfAhXklOAKHcocCIQQ7Al6BAgFEBs&biw=1920&bih=1089#imgrc=_Erc_8eQ9zoRHM:
  • Suvendu is selected as the contest finalist!5 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 56 submissions from 9 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #56 by Suvendu
    #41 by adm3
    #38 by BeDesign
    #37 by PrimalGraphics
    #22 by Kruger
    #15 by bricton
    #12 by BlessedArt
    #11 by BaneVujkov
    #8 by abss
    ALL 56 Designs >
  • Design #51 by Suvendu is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #51 by Suvendu