Starfish Ave (Ave can be smaller because I will refer to company as Starfish)

visited this project
9 years ago
We will do various types of consulting, including digital marketing, healthcare technology, healthcare market research, advocacy work, etc. I want the logo to convey the following: <br>- Energy<br>- Trust<br>- Passion<br>- Creativity<br>- Technology<br>- Direct<br>- Strength<br>- Turning complex to simple<br>
  • Design Brief9 years ago
    Logo Name
    Starfish Ave (Ave can be smaller because I will refer to company as Starfish)
    Company Intro
    We will do various types of consulting, including digital marketing, healthcare technology, healthcare market research, advocacy work, etc. I want the logo to convey the following: <br>- Energy<br>- Trust<br>- Passion<br>- Creativity<br>- Technology<br>- Direct<br>- Strength<br>- Turning complex to simple<br>
    Company tagline:<br>- Strategy. Tactics. Application. Research. Finding interoperable solutions heterogeneously.<br><br>Inspirations:<br>- Gunillaskinbutik (simplicity of lines from her logo)<br>- Idea for animated logo/website: “radiant orchid lotus flower” - search results (maybe helpful to designer);_ylt=A86.JyX9BbhVkC4AOoonnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTE0Z3RpNDFuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkyMF8xBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Radiant+Orchid+Lotus+Flower&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002<br>- Starfish look I'd like: “modern abstract starfish” - Search results (maybe ideas for designer);_ylt=AwrTcYShBrhVLtEACgkunIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBsZ29xY3ZzBHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEc2xrA2J1dHRvbg--;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTY5NARfcgMyBGJjawM3Z21oZDNsYWxxZjlnJTI2YiUzRDQlMjZkJTNEY2l3VGo0NXBZRUk3bnFtSHZHM0tKYWw4Qjc0aVhaalh4ODAuSVEtLSUyNnMlM0RmMyUyNmklM0RSc1BFSHBmZXR4c0VhWG5DbnhoYgRmcgN5aHMtbW96aWxsYS0wMDIEZ3ByaWQDNmVwcnAuMFBSTEt4VU1wbkdNWUU4QQRtdGVzdGlkA251bGwEbl9zdWdnAzAEb3JpZ2luA2ltYWdlcy5zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzI0BHF1ZXJ5A21vZGVybiBhYnN0cmFjdCBzdGFyZmlzaAR0X3N0bXADMTQzODEyMzkxMAR2dGVzdGlkA251bGw-?gprid=6eprp.0PRLKxUMpnGMYE8A&pvid=bu1SRTIwNi54Wi0dVV09MA9HMjYwMQAAAABDKi7p&p=modern+abstract+starfish&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&<br><br><br>Colors:<br>- Radiant orchid (color 18-3224) as base outline color – see attached color page<br>- Can add other colors from that color report (no more than 3 total colors)<br><br>Preliminary ideas:<br>- Make “A” of Starfish the starfish logo<br>- Clean feel that has weight but doesn't distract from rest of page<br>- I'm open to where radiant orchid color is used – either in the starfish shape itself or in text; probably needs at least one other contrasting color; probably no more than 3 total colors<br>- Maybe a simple outline of starfish in radiant orchid (or one of other colors from Pantone Spring Color Report 2014 (attached)<br>- Maybe a couple of layers (at different angles) of starfish so it potentially resembles a lotus flower (think Gunilla’s multi-layer but just soft-edged stars/starfish)<br>- Leaning toward simple lines unless designer can come up with others<br>- On website, there might be different layers of starfish outlines at different angles flashing and then ending on one simple star<br><br>Challenges:<br>- How to make starfish logo look not too beachy/realistic but still convey idea? Star with soft edges?<br>- How not to make it look too girly given the radiant orchid color choice? How to balance with the other 1-2 colors?<br>- Needs to appeal to small start-ups as well as larger established corporate America companies; will be seen internationally in other countries (EU, Asia, South America) so needs to span across cultures<br>

    Reference Samples

  • #6 by jaize is selected as the contest finalist!9 years ago
  • #2 by haze is selected as the contest finalist!9 years ago
  • #1 by Republik is selected as the contest finalist!9 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed9 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #11 by haze is declared WINNER!9 years ago
    #11 by haze