Gift & Box Nantucket

visited this project
7 years ago
floral, gifts, decor, curated gift boxes
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Gift & Box Nantucket
    Company Intro:
    floral, gifts, decor, curated gift boxes
    Would love to see some colorful logos with some flowers, please. Watercolor style, like on the samples I attached, would be great! square floral parenthesis /watercolor style would be great as a "box"/frame effect. I have two initial thoughts for the logo that I would like for my store, but as I mentioned earlier, I would to consider cool ideas with some features that I mention below.. First- simple rectangular frame with the words "gift & box nantucket". All in black. The rectangular frame should imitate the box, the bottom of the box should finish around "nantucket" word. Second- something with hydrangeas, rectangular frame around, or square parenthesis with some flowers that would create a "box form. words-black color 1. gift & box- all small letters, NANTUCKET should be underneath gift & box- all capital letters; font- similar to hand written ones in above logos. 2. GIFT & BOX- all capital, and nantucket- all small letters I like the idea of combining rectangular frame and some hydrangeas or similar flowers. Not too much flowers though, and the colors of hydrangeas should be light blue, light purple and maybe some pink. Some green leaves would be helpful as well. Neutral tones please. My gift boxes will be sent to women as well as men, so I don't want to have a logo that is too girly. Thank you!!! Kate

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client533107 years ago
    Hi Everyone! Thank you smooch for all your logo suggestions! They are all great, but I think I would really like something with floral and greenery. Maybe big floral parenthesis around "gift & box nantucket". Handwritten style words, watercolor. Thank you all!
  • C
    Client533107 years ago

    Loregraphic is just invited to join this contest!

  • ingepro is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • zakdesign700 is selected as the contest finalist!7 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #58 by zakdesign700 is declared WINNER!7 years ago
  • C
    Client533107 years ago

    $5 participation tip awarded to #58 by zakdesign700