Christ in the Smokies

visited this project
6 years ago
We are a non profit Christian organization who puts on Father-Son retreats specifically designed to engage men in daily high adventure activities such as whitewater rafting, hiking, mountain biking and rock-climbing, that bring out manly qualities of courage, determination and humility. During the evenings leaders shared engaging lessons in what it means to be a man, inspiring sons and fathers to live out authentic, Christian manhood. Many of the topics covered in the teaching are illustrated with clips from popular, contemporary movies. Throughout the week each father is given the opportunity to publicly bless his son. There is also time set aside to share deeply with his son what his own manhood journey has been. The week culminates with a sacred and moving rite-of-passage ceremony where each father calls his son up into manhood in the presence of other like-minded men and welcomes him into the community of men.
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#72 by Vickyjames