Trade Tribe

visited this project
8 months ago
We are a an online academy and community (tribe) for stock trading, our primary goal is not only to educate, but mostly to create profitable traders
  • Design Brief7 years ago
    Logo Name
    Trade Tribe
    Company Intro
    We are a an online academy and community (tribe) for stock trading, our primary goal is not only to educate, but mostly to create profitable traders
    The logo needs to be clean and clear. We are looking to give a feel of comunity and professionalism. We are not looking to appear as a corporation, but rather as a family that helps,each other - a tribe, while at the same time appear professional (we are dealing with the financial market after all). Last thing: the logo must be understandable so that we won't have to explain it. Keep in mind that the website will be built according to the style and coloring of the logo, so make sure the colors are warm and inviting. Thank you!

    Reference Samples

  • Design Concepts Completed7 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #43 by nurul_rizkon is declared WINNER!7 years ago