I.tea (Intelligent Teas)

visited this project
5 years ago
Hi guys, this is round two because I wasn't really happy with how I described my product last time. <br>I'm starting an Iced tea business. the tea will be organic and high quality. I want to promote health and wellbeing and to stop all the unhealthy drinking and idea that any iced tea is healthy when most are full of sugar and have hardly any real tea in it at all. I'll be using honey instead of sugar and yes its a lot more expensive but i'm going for upmarket. it will cost a little extra to make but it will have real tea flavour (all kinds of tea) and real raw honey. i'm an ex chef and this now is my passion. now i'll be paying $120 upfront today so there will be a guaranteed winner. <br>thank you for your time and I hope you all the best.
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