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8 years ago
I'm a cross platform app developer. I use Xamarin as my tool of choice to build apps on multiple mobile platforms. Though I'm starting as a freelancer right now there is the intention to make this a serious business. I believe that I can build a sustainable and scalable company when there is always attention for continuous improvement. This continuous improvement requires experiments and metrics as feedback mechanisms of the evolution. Here's a sort of manifest I wrote last week about a company I'd like to build and what I think is important.<br><br>WHY<br>I strongly belief that great things can be achieved if space is constantly kept at a premium to evolve in everything that is being done. The joy of continuous evolution creates a sense of achievement being on a journey that will lead to even greater people and things. It just happens to be software is the great thing I’m creating.<br><br>HOW<br>There’s a few terms that require further definition here before it’s even possible to start thinking in terms of how. The most important this is what I have called 'evolution'. For me this is an abstraction of three things:<br>- Reflect<br>- Learn<br>- Adapt<br><br>Next to that there is what I call 'space'. I consider various forms of space essential to foster evolution:<br>- Time (Space to do what is necessary)<br>This by far the most important. Without time none of the above evolutionary actions can be taken.<br>- Personal (Space to make mistakes)<br>One needs to have the feeling it has to room to evolve. This means making mistakes is not considered a failure. Repeatedly making the same mistake and not learning from it however is.<br>- Communicative (Space to speak out loud)<br>I’m having a hard time dissecting. But from the personal space to make mistakes follows also that space is required to be able to point others misaligned actions or where there is room to improve. One must feel free to speak!<br><br>Now the 'things' are essentially our actions, what we do and the way we do this and maybe most importantly why we do it this way. It’s the processes and their rationale. Nothing is perfect and even if it was, the odds of it keeps fitting in an ever changing world is non existent. If continuous improvement is not ingrained in our genes we will not evolve and prosper.
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#5 by prodesign