Freestyle Recovery

visited this project
9 years ago
internet based recovery program offering comprehensive, scientifically based articles and resources, as well as a blog, and meetings.<br><br><br><br>Philosophy: we stand on the shoulders of giants (our vision is made longer, not because we are taller but because we are supported by those who have come before us)<br><br>Foundation stones: Abstinence, Personal Empowerment, Support, Inclusiveness<br> <br>Our mission is helping people find their way to contented, clean and sober living, and helping people stay there, no matter what paths they choose to follow. This includes your path! <br>Membership is open to everyone who values abstinence, inclusiveness, support and the development and use of personal power to overcome addiction and live life happily clean and sober. Freestyle Recovery has practical proven suggestions and tips that work, and a unifying philosophy that encompasses whatever additional kinds of support or knowledge you need, but we are dogma-free and we are not a program.<br><br>Freestyle Recovery is not a non-profit organization, which requires lawyers and accountants and a pile of money that must always be replenished. Perhaps that is in the future, perhaps not. Small and informal can be a good thing, and we believe in grassroots growth led not by boards and CEOs but by individual members who care.
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