
visited this project
10 years ago
We are launching a new Shark Cage Diving company in South Africa called amaShark. The company takes tourists out on a boat on the sea and the tourists are put in a cage whereby they may come up in close proximity of the beautiful sharks in South Africa.
  • Design Brief10 years ago
    Logo Name
    Company Intro
    We are launching a new Shark Cage Diving company in South Africa called amaShark. The company takes tourists out on a boat on the sea and the tourists are put in a cage whereby they may come up in close proximity of the beautiful sharks in South Africa.
    The logo needs to have an African feel to it, but not in the sense of poverty and other inaccurate African associations, but rather the true beauty that Africa has to offer. One idea we had and like a lot is to have amaShark written in bushman drawings or something to that degree. That way it says the name of the company as the logo and the bushman paintings then give it that true authentic African feel. The logo must still show professionalism and a high level of sophistication. Colours: Brown, white and perhaps some blue because sharks and sea are blue. Bushman paintings:

    Reference Samples

  • Sudeb is selected as the contest finalist!10 years ago
  • boybud40 is selected as the contest finalist!10 years ago
  • mametos is selected as the contest finalist!10 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed10 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #36 by zenith is declared WINNER!10 years ago
    #36 by zenith