Rooster Ranch inc.

visited this project
11 years ago
Rooster Ranch will be a ranch community that will primarily serve those with developmental disabilities and their families. We will provide housing to promote independence for those with the disability and also housing for those family members who wish to participate in our community activities and their loved ones lifestyle. We will be a non profit business. Our mission statement is.... "Rooster Ranch is a community that offers a healthy, sustainable, and inclusive lifestyle to adults of all abilities and their families. We are focused on giving our residents a life without limits, that offers security, choice, purpose, and fulfillment. We strive to provide opportunities that stem from a rural, organic, and independent nature."
  • Design Brief11 years ago
    Logo Name
    Rooster Ranch inc.
    Company Intro
    Rooster Ranch will be a ranch community that will primarily serve those with developmental disabilities and their families. We will provide housing to promote independence for those with the disability and also housing for those family members who wish to participate in our community activities and their loved ones lifestyle. We will be a non profit business. Our mission statement is.... "Rooster Ranch is a community that offers a healthy, sustainable, and inclusive lifestyle to adults of all abilities and their families. We are focused on giving our residents a life without limits, that offers security, choice, purpose, and fulfillment. We strive to provide opportunities that stem from a rural, organic, and independent nature."
    Childlike as if drawn by a child...simple! Pair of hands, palm up (as if held in gods palms), holding a barn with a rooster crowing, sunrise behind. Ranch brand burned into barn is two R's face to face like you would see branded on cattle.
  • A
    Admin11 years ago
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    We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing
  • Design Concepts Completed11 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #16 by logolady is declared WINNER!11 years ago
    #16 by logolady