Adult Spring Break T-Shirt Design

visited this project
12 years ago
One more try - any funny shirt that uses Pound Town as its theme! Maybe the last description was a little uninspiring! I am looking for a Tank Top Design for an upcoming beach trip. We coin this trip Adult Spring Break and have been doing this for 5 years. I'm open to any design that captures this Adult Spring Break Theme. Bonus points are to those design's that capture some of the information included in my original post, which I have included below. I most prefer the use of the GPS Coordinates and Pound Town as major themes for the shirt. Send me questions, comments, or whatever if you need some feedback. Otherwise looking forward to your designs. Original Post Below: This design is for a tank top that will be Neon Blue. This is the 5th Anniversary of our Adult Spring Break trip that takes place over Memorial Day Weekend each year. The trip is based in Grayton Beach Florida, which is located on gps at N30° 19', W86° 09'. We also refer to these coordinates as "Pound Town". Other terms or images that could be included are Shady, Shades of Summer, Sunset, Margaritaville, Galloway. As for design, I see the GPS coordinates being used on the front either as a pocket image or across the entire front of the shirt. On the back, either a logo for Adult Spring Break with years and creative images based on the terms I provided above. There could also be another use of the GPS coordinates with Pound Town as a theme. As for style, clean and crisp is better than cheesy and beachy. Just because its a beach shirt doesn't mean we want to look like tourists, but then again, these shirts will be accompanying neon glasses. Thanks!
  • Design Brief12 years ago
    Logo Name
    Adult Spring Break T-Shirt Design
    Company Intro
    One more try - any funny shirt that uses Pound Town as its theme! Maybe the last description was a little uninspiring! I am looking for a Tank Top Design for an upcoming beach trip. We coin this trip Adult Spring Break and have been doing this for 5 years. I'm open to any design that captures this Adult Spring Break Theme. Bonus points are to those design's that capture some of the information included in my original post, which I have included below. I most prefer the use of the GPS Coordinates and Pound Town as major themes for the shirt. Send me questions, comments, or whatever if you need some feedback. Otherwise looking forward to your designs. Original Post Below: This design is for a tank top that will be Neon Blue. This is the 5th Anniversary of our Adult Spring Break trip that takes place over Memorial Day Weekend each year. The trip is based in Grayton Beach Florida, which is located on gps at N30° 19', W86° 09'. We also refer to these coordinates as "Pound Town". Other terms or images that could be included are Shady, Shades of Summer, Sunset, Margaritaville, Galloway. As for design, I see the GPS coordinates being used on the front either as a pocket image or across the entire front of the shirt. On the back, either a logo for Adult Spring Break with years and creative images based on the terms I provided above. There could also be another use of the GPS coordinates with Pound Town as a theme. As for style, clean and crisp is better than cheesy and beachy. Just because its a beach shirt doesn't mean we want to look like tourists, but then again, these shirts will be accompanying neon glasses. Thanks!
  • A
    Admin12 years ago
    Welcome to 48hoursLogo

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    We want you to get the best possible design for your business. Thank you for choosing
  • ZenBlackMamba12 years ago
    Hi thesambak
    Just wan to ask where can i see the pound town theme? can you specified what kind it? thanks! and how many colors you want to be used?

    and is Pound Town a place in USA? thank you!
  • L
    logomainiac12 years ago
    "Grayton Beach Florida"
  • T
    thesambak12 years ago
    Grayton Beach in Florida is correct. As for colors, I am wide open. let me see a design and then we can decide if we want it in white or multiple colors. As for Pound Town - I don't have a logo or theme but should let you know that pound town is all about sex. Good hard vacation sex.
  • M
    MyKaila12 years ago
    please see #2,

  • M
    MyKaila12 years ago
    please see #11.

  • M
    MyKaila12 years ago
    please see #12 for the revision.

  • M
    MyKaila12 years ago
    please see #17,#18 and #19 for the revision.

  • Design Concepts Completed12 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #15 by leors is declared WINNER!12 years ago
    #15 by leors