- $129
- 152
- Logo Name:
- WAT Inmobiliaria SRL
- Company Intro:
- This is a Company , that principal it own some real state with the interest of renting. And also could develop some project like a a construction company.
- Instructions:
- This two samples of logos are , one that is a operative company (that sells a very different product, and the other Gawa gestion, is the company that will manage WAT inmobiliaria. In this case maybe try to use the shape of the W with a new design and colors, that apply for the business. And also maybe work with a whole new design.
Reference Samples:
- Please use something similar of the samples of Kingston , and put a shape of a house into de wat and also that could be more legible de Inmobiliara in the name
- I would like to also see the silhouette of a building instead of a house to see the difference.
Open design concept stage had ended with 152 submissions from 41 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.