Severus Systems

visited this project
10 months ago
We are in the domain of algorithmic trading, fund management and financial consulting.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    Severus Systems
    Company Intro:
    We are in the domain of algorithmic trading, fund management and financial consulting.
    Domain: Finance Logo Design: I have a very specific and precise logo requirement. Kindly see the attached file. I want the logo to contain the image/outline of a doe (a female deer) peeking from behind the name of the company - Severus Systems. * Standalone logo - The image of the doe should be such that we can use it separately at places (without the company name). * When the logo of the doe is with the name of the company maybe the lines of the does outline can seamlessly merge into the S of Severus and the S of Systems * Preferred color pallette is shades of Blue for the entire scheme. A little bit of "leaf green" can be used if required. But I am open to other suggestions. * Kindly give me two versions - a Doe with blue outlines in a white background (for use in white background website etc) and the same doe in a black background (maybe with a slightly luminous color in it soutline so that it stands out) * The current image I have uploaded contains a gradient shading of the company name. Please suggest suitable formats with and without gradeint shading.
    Doe - Logo.png

    Reference Samples:

  • bluespix selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Ritabrata Bhattacharyyaa year ago
    @bluespix - here are my thoughts
    Feedback to BlueSpix.pdf
  • Ritabrata Bhattacharyya10 months ago
    Feedback #2 @bluespix
    Feedback to BlueSpix-v2.pdf
  • Ritabrata Bhattacharyya10 months ago
    Feedback to BlueSpix-v3.pdf
  • Ritabrata Bhattacharyya10 months ago
    bluespix - these are the final files I want. Kindly confirm that you would be able to provide the same
    Feedback to BlueSpix-v4.pdf
  • Design Concepts Completed10 months ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 195 submissions from 28 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #205 by bluespix
    #136 by mutafailan
    #134 by Dhieko
    #127 by Sami Ur Rab
    #126 by Girly
    #123 by luckyprasetyo
    #120 by REDCROW
    #115 by LogoQueen
    #113 by DreamLogoDesign
    #110 by Gilate
    #109 by Vins
    #101 by jaize
    #94 by WhapsFord
    #92 by Shabbir
    #80 by ian69
    #69 by fastIokay
    #55 by YONK
    #54 by DuckOn
    #40 by Upoops
    #35 by cikiyunn
    #34 by mewlana
    #32 by Webphixo
    #30 by MAXR
    #29 by Artomoro
    #17 by M Fariid
    #12 by bezalel
    #3 by scania
    #2 by aryamaity
    ALL 195 Designs >
  • Design #205 by bluespix is declared WINNER!10 months ago
    #205 by bluespix