Textbot Solutions

visited this project
a year ago
Textbot Solutions is a mobile marketing company that helps small businesses such as restaurants, coffee shops, juice bars and other high-traffic brick and mortar businesses communicate with their customers via text. Their service provides these types of businesses with a kiosk, keyword campaigns and a loyalty program where they can text directly to their customers giving rewards for visiting their stores.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    Textbot Solutions
    Company Intro:
    Textbot Solutions is a mobile marketing company that helps small businesses such as restaurants, coffee shops, juice bars and other high-traffic brick and mortar businesses communicate with their customers via text. Their service provides these types of businesses with a kiosk, keyword campaigns and a loyalty program where they can text directly to their customers giving rewards for visiting their stores.
    I would like a 2-3 color logo with a high-tech robot icon (AI like) that can will look good at the top or the side. (left side). (Example robot icon attached.) The robot icon can and should vary. Don't just stick to the attached. Would love to see some variety of cute, professional robot icons. This is a text-based marketing company also, so incorporating text bubbles or communications with the robot would be preferred also to make it all work together. The colors they want are: Light Blues, white, magenta. The overall feel of the logo should be happy, friendly, inviting and professional. One variation of the logo should also feature the website which is : "textbotsolutions.com".

    Reference Samples:

  • jaize selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 73 submissions from 32 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #76 by jaize
    #67 by denfransko
    #60 by BlessedGraphic
    #59 by subrata
    #58 by Kirito
    #57 by ruki
    #56 by csnrlab
    #48 by USDOT
    #47 by Pompi
    #45 by Nnoepran
    #44 by biaggong
    #43 by Aalvin
    #40 by Mary
    #39 by cocote
    #37 by Webphixo
    #35 by DreamLogoDesign
    #31 by Yuda harv
    #30 by MonkDesign
    #28 by Koushik
    #23 by azizah
    #21 by AdnanDesigner
    #19 by ingepro
    #17 by serprimero
    #16 by MAXR
    #15 by Yulioart
    #11 by leduy87qn
    #10 by Diponegoro_
    #8 by dewipadi
    #7 by Gwerth
    #4 by gearfx
    #2 by paseo
    #1 by cikiyunn
    ALL 73 Designs >
  • Design #73 by jaize is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #73 by jaize