Renee Vee

visited this project
7 months ago
I am the cofounder and CEO of the CAPE Movement. What began as a self-development and mindset journey during 2020 has now become my passion and purpose project. In 2021, when I embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, it was centered around the vision that our youth would greatly benefit from learning and practicing personal development skills in an approachable, inclusive, and enjoyable manner. We have created innovative and progressive programs with content areas that are universally useful, functional, and effective. Target audience: peers in the mindset and personal development industry who want their children to expand awareness, elevate mindset, enhance self-image, and embody positive energy. We teach foundational information that is not taught in schools or most homes: self-image, processing emotions, goal setting, decision making, perspective, mindfulness, visioneering, paradigms, the power of our thoughts, how the mind works, and much more!
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