PyroCrate Fireworks

visited this project
6 months ago
We are a seasonal Fireworks store, selling to everybody who likes to light fireworks for the 4th of July, New Years Eve, etc.
Logo DesignSTANDARDRetailFeatured
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name:
    PyroCrate Fireworks
    Company Intro:
    We are a seasonal Fireworks store, selling to everybody who likes to light fireworks for the 4th of July, New Years Eve, etc.
    We have been in business for 3 years, with no real defined branding. For our colors, we have been using the colors of the US Flag - Blue PMS 282 and Red PMS 193. Our store (banners, table cloths, shelving, etc) tries to reflect these colors as best as we can. As I have visualized a logo, I see a wooden crate (think old army ammo crate with rope handles) with the lid open and a few fireworks poking up out of it. I've googled a picture of a toy box and attached, something kinda like this? In the sample logos I picked, I like how the some of them have the name large through the middle of the image, or just below it... In the things I have done thus far, I have used the Adobe TypeKit font Azo Sans Black. I am not married to that, but I like that it's a thick font. I'm open to new looks. It's important to me that the resulting logo works well in print, on the website, for screen printing, vinyl decals on my truck, etc. So I don't want it to be overly complicated with fine details. I've done offset and digital printing prepress for my entire career, so I understand vector/raster, rgb/cmyk, all the technical stuff. I am just not creative :-) On a side note, I am leaving on Friday March 25th for a 9 day trip mostly off the grid. I'm hoping that I can get my options to choose from before I leave so I can have the week to evaluate them and make my choice.

    Reference Samples:

  • Eric Farnsworth2 years ago
    Have fun! If you love fireworks, show us something that would catch your attention and have you come visit us! Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with! Thanks!
  • agus selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Creativeminds selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 52 submissions from 19 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #65 by agus
    #61 by Creativeminds
    #53 by veter
    #52 by done
    #49 by rizuki
    #46 by Sami Ur Rab
    #44 by Gilate
    #43 by Suvendu
    #41 by Gwerth
    #39 by jaize
    #34 by Webphixo
    #33 by Koushik
    #28 by mawanmalvin
    #20 by Coolwanz
    #19 by PrimalGraphics
    #18 by ragnar
    #16 by Graphico Ali
    #11 by Xiofa
    #10 by ingepro
    ALL 52 Designs >
  • Design #65 by agus is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #65 by agus
  • Client purchase design #57 from agus2 years ago
    #57 by agus
  • Client purchase design #58 from Creativeminds2 years ago
    #58 by Creativeminds