Mill Green Lawn LLC

visited this project
2 years ago
All around Landscaping business that does a good bit of hauling using a dump trailer along with a lot of mowing. We are shooting for the audience of mowing customers.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name
    Mill Green Lawn LLC
    Company Intro
    All around Landscaping business that does a good bit of hauling using a dump trailer along with a lot of mowing. We are shooting for the audience of mowing customers.
    I’m looking for something that pops. I would like to incorporate a truck with a dump trailer and a couple zero turn mowers. If using pics of trucks and mowers I would like It to be a white 2500 ram longhorn and scag zero turns. I can send over pics if possible as I feel versions of my real life equipment in a artistic form would be best. Very open to suggestions. Also wondering how a Background of a sawmill on a creek of some sort would look as the area I’m based out of is known for being an old sawmill town.

    Reference Samples

  • J
    Jon Becker2 years ago
    I would also like to incorporate my slogan “Mow Money, Mow Problems” in the design along with my phone number 443-619-9650
  • Gilate selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • LogoQueen selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 37 submissions from 18 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #42 by qqdesigns
    #41 by Poki
    #38 by logopond
    #37 by Gilate
    #35 by Kirito
    #34 by DreamLogoDesign
    #33 by nexgen
    #31 by Artomoro
    #21 by rizuki
    #18 by LogoQueen
    #17 by veter
    #16 by Suvendu
    #14 by Koushik
    #8 by ryanhead
    #6 by daywalker
    #4 by MAXR
    #3 by agil
    #1 by dewipadi
    ALL 37 Designs >
  • Design #37 by Gilate is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #37 by Gilate