- $299
- 176
- Logo Name:
- Shotski
- Company Intro:
- This logo/words are for a 62' fishing yacht.
- Instructions:
- A "shotski" is a ski that you take shots from. We have a 62' viking fishing boat we are naming Shotski. We are looking for a cool logo to go on the stern of the boat (examples below) that incorporates that name. It can be a special play on the word design or include images as well.
Reference Samples:
- Seeing designs with a icon that looks like a target, just wanted to clarify the Shot is not a bullseye or anything like that, we are not looking for anything with that type of icon, it should incorporate the fishing theme or the actual Shotski theme. A shotski is a ski with shot glasses for taking drinking shots.
- If using fish images it should be an atlantic offshore type fish like a Marlin.
- This is the kind of ski tip we are looking for
Open design concept stage had ended with 176 submissions from 52 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.