Learning with others

visited this project
2 years ago
I am someone who just started a blog, which is learningwithothers.com. Where I (and other people in the future) will create educational articles on "How to study properly" or "What is the difference between ...". later on, hopefully, there will be a community that can learn with others, for example, through the website or discord.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name
    Learning with others
    Company Intro
    I am someone who just started a blog, which is learningwithothers.com. Where I (and other people in the future) will create educational articles on "How to study properly" or "What is the difference between ...". later on, hopefully, there will be a community that can learn with others, for example, through the website or discord.
    See the sample design of Minding Minors: I would like to get Learning on one line and WITH OTHERS (capitalised) but smaller below it (second line). The other two added sample designs: I love how bright/colourful they are and have a little dark tone (for example, the word lingo and the left side of the nurse's jacket; it does not directly need to be black). My idea for adding 'pictures' by the name of the site is: - A person is learning through online education from others, with others through a laptop/computer. It could be sitting on their bed or a desk, with a bookshelf in the background. Add-ons you can make but not need to do (but highly appreciate): - Subject name(s) on the cover of the book(s) (laying somewhere or standing in the bookshelf) - A chessboard could be left on the bed, and the person sitting on a desk (or own input) - Seeing music playing in the background, lofi or classical music - Taking notes/ notes laying around the room I am also in for personal added input related to the topic. Thank you in advance for the design(s)!

    Reference Samples

  • Collin Ackermans2 years ago
    I do not only want text as a logo, but I like a called 'picture' and text for my logo ;)
  • creativemind01 selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 20 submissions from 4 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #21 by creativemind01 is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #21 by creativemind01