Seed Properties and Design

visited this project
2 years ago
REI and interior design
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Seed Properties and Design
    Company Intro:
    REI and interior design
    *BLACK AND WHITE ONLY TO START* Sleek, simple, flexible. Typeface is very important! Elements of a home, branch, or leaf for simple logos. You guys are great!!
    Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 4.51.16 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 4.52.16 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 11.41.08 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 11.41.13 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 11.43.50 AM.png

    Reference Samples:

  • S
    Steve2 years ago
    A leaf, seed, or mustard plant branch being additional imagery to the Letter(s) logo would be great. Would love a portion of the logo able to stand on its own as a recognizable minimal version of the larger logo. Like the five dots alone in the same alignment or a leaf or something. Wouldn't mind seeing something with buildings either if there's an idea sparked I didn't cover.
  • garam selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 220 submissions from 46 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #269 by vostre
    #268 by akilis13
    #262 by Galfine
    #260 by graphicstar
    #259 by lokiasan
    #257 by Riyana
    #256 by glasslogo
    #255 by garam
    #252 by senja03
    #244 by Adundas
    #243 by zeta
    #242 by Dawnxisoul393
    #232 by valace
    #230 by Purwoko21
    #229 by EkoBooM
    #228 by jafar
    #225 by labo
    #220 by yans
    #217 by PRN123
    #212 by Ultimatum
    #211 by Godvibes
    #198 by oke2angconcept
    #174 by ndaru
    #162 by Bhaskar Shil
    #158 by IrvanB
    #144 by sabyan
    #142 by MonkDesign
    #139 by BrainStorming
    #131 by bigboss
    #116 by josephira
    #111 by cintoko
    #108 by Kirito
    #104 by jancok
    #102 by ruki
    #89 by Artomoro
    #86 by RIANW
    #84 by Franky.
    #81 by jagologo
    #73 by Toraja_@rt
    #70 by bezalel
    #67 by Barkah
    #45 by hopee
    #26 by Girly
    #24 by qqdesigns
    #17 by DADA007
    #1 by dewipadi
    ALL 220 Designs >
  • Design #245 by garam is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #245 by garam