Balanced By Ash

visited this project
3 years ago
im a massage therapist but i specialise in flame and glass cupping therapy. i practice alot of old school techniques which is rich in Chinese medicine. I want something sleek, professional, slightly clinical suitable for a stand alone logo plus the my business name with the logo. I want to appeal to athletes, the traditional healers, men and women. A broad range of people not just one type
All Submissions146
#148 by Bhaskar Shil
#133 by keylogo $99
#132 by ingepro $99
#131 by ingepro $99
#130 by ingepro $99
#129 by Kirito $99
#125 by Adundas $99
#120 by ingepro $99
#117 by ingepro $99
#115 by ingepro $99
#114 by ingepro $99
#113 by kunejo $99
#112 by Adundas $99
#111 by Adundas $99
#110 by Maharani $99
#108 by keylogo $99
#91 by dibyo $99
#90 by dibyo $99
#89 by cybil $99
#88 by cybil $99
#87 by cybil $99
#80 by jaize $99
#79 by jaize $99
#72 by Kirito $99
#70 by coco $99
#69 by coco $99
#63 by Girly $99
#61 by jaize $99
#60 by jaize $99
#59 by jaize $99
#58 by jaize $99
#57 by jaize $99
#53 by jaize $99
#46 by johana $99
#41 by jancok $99
#40 by jancok $99
#31 by leduy87qn $99
#29 by coco $99
#21 by aryamaity $99
#18 by johana $99
#17 by johana $99
#12 by johana $99