V&V Services LLC

visited this project
2 years ago
This is a new business that is mainly based around dumpster rental and home/property clean outs at the moment. We plan to grow into many other avenues. Target audience is home owners that do not have time for needed cleanups. We make our own dumpsters and focus on small size to fit in a garage if needed but also clean and eye catching so customer isn’t ashamed to have in their driveway. Our customer base has been mostly single, working women.
All Submissions154
#163 by MUSANG $99
#158 by semar $99
#157 by jancok $99
#156 by SDLOGO $99
#154 by Avijit
#153 by Avijit $99
#148 by garam $99
#147 by jaize $99
#146 by jaize $99
#145 by jaize $99
#144 by Webphixo $99
#141 by Avijit $99
#140 by neonlamp $99
#139 by Webphixo $99
#138 by Webphixo $99
#137 by Suvendu $99
#136 by Suvendu $99
#135 by scolessi $99
#134 by scolessi $99
#133 by scolessi $99
#132 by scolessi $99
#131 by Parit $99
#130 by Parit $99
#129 by Humhum $99
#128 by Humhum $99
#127 by YONK $99
#126 by RIANW $99
#125 by RIANW $99
#122 by haidar $99
#121 by haidar $99
#120 by alby $99
#119 by alby $99
#118 by alby $99
#116 by alby $99
#113 by LogoQueen $99
#112 by LogoQueen $99
#108 by savana $99
#103 by savana $99
#102 by savana $99
#101 by savana $99
#100 by Suvendu $99
#96 by Suvendu $99
#95 by KQ5 $99
#94 by Suvendu $99
#93 by KQ5 $99
#89 by chester $99
#87 by kunejo $99
#81 by fadlan $99
#80 by Rossee $99
#78 by Rossee $99
#75 by LogoQueen $99
#67 by Meherab $99
#57 by rizuki $99
#56 by rizuki $99
#48 by sabyan $99
#47 by sabyan $99
#46 by sabyan $99
#40 by sabyan $99
#38 by sabyan $99
#37 by ndaru $99
#36 by PRN123 $99
#35 by PRN123 $99
#34 by ndaru $99
#33 by ndaru $99
#32 by ndaru $99
#31 by KQ5 $99
#30 by ndaru $99
#28 by KQ5 $99
#26 by KQ5 $99
#25 by Artomoro $99
#13 by Artomoro $99
#12 by Artomoro $99