Nuthin’ Special

visited this project
3 years ago
Upscale Restaurant and Gourmet food company with old fashion Barn, pasture setting, but hip and contemporary with fashion flair Audience is gourmet foodies all ages, off the grid tourists who like upscale/experimental food
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name
    Nuthin’ Special
    Company Intro
    Upscale Restaurant and Gourmet food company with old fashion Barn, pasture setting, but hip and contemporary with fashion flair Audience is gourmet foodies all ages, off the grid tourists who like upscale/experimental food
    Use a similar font as the one in the photo On the “S” on “Special” make the loop a skillet/pan with a handle like other photo supplied Colors Barn Red, orange, copper for the name, reds, oranges, greens for the skillet

    Reference Samples

  • Client740443 years ago
    Use a font similar to this one
  • Client740443 years ago
    I like the watercolor and rustic effect of the Cherrywood Kitchen logo sample
  • Editor selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Neng Khusna selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 117 submissions from 23 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #124 by Editor
    #123 by Neng Khusna
    #84 by jaize
    #70 by Webphixo
    #69 by Kirito
    #67 by fawadyk
    #63 by Bhaskar Shil
    #58 by keylogo
    #57 by Gwerth
    #54 by Garmos
    #52 by giphone
    #43 by y7ce
    #39 by sodimejo
    #32 by Adundas
    #31 by Asher
    #29 by Koushik
    #27 by hopee
    #16 by hidro
    #15 by Artomoro
    #13 by oke2angconcept
    #12 by luckyprasetyo
    #10 by PrimalGraphics
    #5 by dewipadi
    ALL 117 Designs >
  • Design #121 by Editor is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #121 by Editor