- $149
- 109
- Design Name:
- Fries & Baynes Chartered Professional Accountants
- Logo File:
- Instructions:
- We have recently changed our name from Fries Hamilton Chartered Professional Accountants to Fries & Baynes Chartered Professional Accountants. We have attached our current business card and letter head as reference as we did really like them for the clean yet professional look, without being too boring.
Business cardLetterhead & envelopeNote: Based on the design concepts submitted, Contest holder will select 1 winning designer to complete ALL selected brand identities
- CFor any business card designs, please add: address, as well as phone, cell, email and website. Thank you.
- CCan you incorporate our "key values" into back of card somehow. Honesty. Integrity. Professional excellence. thx
Open design concept stage had ended with 109 submissions from 5 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.