Lisa's Haute Dogs and Catering

visited this project
3 years ago
Mobile hot dog cart will be vending in front of stores, industrial parks, little league, hospitals etc.
Logo DesignBUDGETRestaurant 24HFeatured
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Lisa's Haute Dogs and Catering
    Company Intro:
    Mobile hot dog cart will be vending in front of stores, industrial parks, little league, hospitals etc.
    *Fancy girl that is a hot dog (not a girl). maybe with high heels and eyelashes? *I would like it to be rounded as in examples. *Her right hand with a ketchup bottle squirting the name curved over her head "Lisa's Haute Dogs" ....."and Catering" curved under her (small A in and Catering - no quotations) *her other hand maybe waving or on her hip *yellow background? Also maybe mustard on her stomach area *maybe a border of diamonds around to complete the circle around her *logo in cute but very readable cursive *These are just ideas and I am open to any creative ideas. I'm just looking for a fun and fashionable hot dog character. My umbrella will be red and yellow so that's why i was thinking of incorporating the ketchup and mustard colors

    Reference Samples:

  • DreamLogoDesign selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 25 submissions from 8 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #25 by DreamLogoDesign
    #19 by p0peye
    #15 by Suvendu
    #12 by LogoQueen
    #10 by haze
    #7 by uttam
    #2 by Artomoro
    #1 by ElonStark
    ALL 25 Designs >
  • Design #25 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #25 by DreamLogoDesign