
visited this project
3 years ago
We provide transparent agent rankings for home sellers. Real estate agents are essential when when you want to sell your home, but selecting one is challenging for three reasons: (1) low incentive for the agent to achieve high sales prices, (2) low market entry barriers for agents and (3) no objective measure for agent performance. We enable home sellers to select the agent achieving the highest transaction performance by providing agent rankings based on their prior home sales. In essence, we help the real estate agent and the seller. The agent gets qualified leads and the seller is directed to the best performing agent in his/her region. We make money by taking a commission from the agent after a successful sale. We are a young startup that is changing the way people choose their real estate agents through data.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Company Intro:
    We provide transparent agent rankings for home sellers. Real estate agents are essential when when you want to sell your home, but selecting one is challenging for three reasons: (1) low incentive for the agent to achieve high sales prices, (2) low market entry barriers for agents and (3) no objective measure for agent performance. We enable home sellers to select the agent achieving the highest transaction performance by providing agent rankings based on their prior home sales. In essence, we help the real estate agent and the seller. The agent gets qualified leads and the seller is directed to the best performing agent in his/her region. We make money by taking a commission from the agent after a successful sale. We are a young startup that is changing the way people choose their real estate agents through data.
    > Slogan: "Transparent agent rankings for home sellers" > Colors should include a blue pallet that portray trust and transparency > Logo might include a small bird to make it more memorable > Brand Name: "Proper" stands for both property (which indicate the real estate industry we operate in) and proper (as in a good). The "bird" in our name should symbolize that we have an overview of the market and that we see the market objectively from a higher and wider view angle than others. > The real estate industry is still very traditional and the average age of a home seller (a person using our platform) would probably start at 50 . So we need to keep things professional and minimalistic.
  • C
    Client773394 years ago
    Dear designers, please exclude our slogan from the rest of the logos :) Enjoy being creative
  • fajarfaqih is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • Dr-MOS is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • jaize is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 97 submissions from 29 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #108 by Artomoro
    #107 by jaize
    #105 by Fajar Faqih Ainun Najib
    #79 by Greenlight
    #78 by keylogo
    #77 by MUSANG
    #73 by ElonStark
    #72 by done
    #70 by yossign
    #68 by udinjamal
    #56 by M J
    #55 by keptgoing
    #49 by kunejo
    #48 by Shina
    #45 by JessicaLopes
    #41 by bombers
    #39 by Rizqy
    #33 by sangpangeran
    #30 by BlessedArt
    #28 by pel4ngi
    #27 by aldesign
    #24 by Eko_Kurniawan
    #23 by larasati
    #20 by drifelm
    #19 by puthreeone
    #17 by GassPoll
    #13 by logogeek
    #10 by GemahRipah
    #9 by cybil
    ALL 97 Designs >
  • Design #98 by jaize is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #98 by jaize