Connor Bear Co.

visited this project
4 years ago
We provide customized merchandise tailored towards newborns and toddlers. From clothing to shadow boxes for their precious keepsakes.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Connor Bear Co.
    Company Intro:
    We provide customized merchandise tailored towards newborns and toddlers. From clothing to shadow boxes for their precious keepsakes.
    This concept has come about from the birth of our first child, Connor. He is the love of our life and we want to share the joy of providing customized for parents.

    Reference Samples:

  • C
    Client767504 years ago
    Wow so many great designs. Definitely, going to be a hard choice. Thanks everyone for your time and help.
  • AamirKhan is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • Mardhi is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • veron is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • AamirKhan4 years ago
    #91 please?
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 84 submissions from 14 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #100 by Mardhi
    #93 by veron
    #91 by AamirKhan
    #68 by axel182
    #66 by pilKB
    #63 by REDCROW
    #55 by serprimero
    #54 by jaize
    #51 by torresace
    #47 by done
    #36 by Kruger
    #31 by rgb1
    #24 by Fforevera
    #13 by drifelm
    ALL 84 Designs >
  • Design #88 by Mardhi is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #88 by Mardhi