iRemember the Music

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11 years ago
Consultant giving information about using music to retrieve memories in Alzheimer's or dementia patients. Usually facilitated by loading a personalized playlist onto an ipod. Either the loved one, or nurse plays music and in many cases the person is calmed, or memory is retrieved and shared. Even though individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other memory impairments may not recall the name of a particular song or why they know it, they convey a sense of "knowing" through their responses of increased attention, positive affect and reduced agitation. Based on more than 30 years of experience, the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function (IMNF) has found that despite losses in cognitive ability, short–term memory and changes in behavior, people with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia have the ability to recognize music of personal importance. Trying to find the right song to reach a person with dementia may be difficult if their personal music preferences are not known. However, research in music and memory indicates that people tend to remember best the songs that were popular when they were teenagers through their early 20s.
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#56 by kgcreative